Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
Are you related to me?
by Coded Logic inthe chances that anyone on this forum is my biological brother or sister, purely from a statistical point of view, is rather low.
but how many generations back would we have to go to have a fair chance that one of my ancestors married one of your ancestors (or procreated anyway)?.
i was born in 1985. less than 20 years before my birth my two parents were being conceived by a combined 4 parents of their own.. and if we go back even further, to 40 years before my birth, then i'll find an additional 8 ancestors.. around the 60 year mark i have another 16 ancestors.
Island Man
If you're human then yes, I'm sure we're related. -
Evolution is a Fact #7 - Human Egg Yolk Gene
by cofty inexploring the human genome is like roaming around an historic town.
some places are pristine and obviously still in everyday use.
others have been unused for a while and starting to show signs of decay and if you look carefully there are relics of buildings that were abandoned long ago.. in this post we are going to look at a gene that we still carry in every cell in our body but which fell into disuse 10s of millions of years ago.. humans are placental mammals.
Island Man
"Are we (modern technological culture) effecting an eventual biological change, by rejecting 'nature' and turning to substitution for mother's milk? In other words, will we 'lose' the ability to lactate, as more generations of babies are not fed from the breast? In effect, 'use it or lose it'?"
That is a very good question talesin. It's the kind of question that reveals you have an understanding of how evolution works. What you're asking seems like a biologically plausible possibility but might require some other conditions for it to become a reality. Maybe if the human population got decimated and became very small and those who did not breastfeed had a survival and reproductive advantage over those that did, then yes it could happen.
Somewhat related to your question, it might interest you to know that there is a high incidence of lactose intolerance among East Asians. The reason for this is that they stopped drinking milk regularly like western cultures do and as a result, when a gene required to produce lactase - the enzyme used to digest lactose - became damaged, because there was no selective pressure to keep the healthy genome, the damaged genome became pervasive. There may have even been selective pressures to keep the lactase-deficient genome. For example, herding milk-producing cattle, might have slowed down a nomadic tribe fleeing from murderous pillagers or owning milk-producing cattle may have made the tribe targets of pillaging.
However, people in the west continued to rely on milk so there was a selective pressure to keep preserve the healthy gene and weed out defective versions that popped up.
Swearing on the bible
by Lost and adrift inon the subject of truth.
..... i was always under the impression that one of the reasons jws couldn't do jury duty or go to court etc was that we were not allowed to swear on the bible. in i swear to tell the truth the whole truth etc etc .
Island Man
If I'm not mistaken Watchtower at one time taught that it was wrong to swear. -
Would a loving creator give humans the gift of free will?
by Heisenberg inthey say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
Island Man
Yes a loving creator will give humans the gift of free will.
What seems odd to me though, is using free will as an explanation for how perfect creatures with perfect minds could ever commit sin.
The initiation of thoughts in the mind is actually an involuntary occurrence dictated by environmental factors. Yes with some effort you can consciously dismiss an unwholesome thought - but only after it has already arisen in your mind. And herein lies the problem: If God created man perfect why should it be possible for sinful thoughts to involuntarily pop into a perfect mind, presenting the risk of sin? This shows that there is a design flaw.
Consider this: Does God have free will? JWs and all other theists will say yes he does. Yet the bible says that it is impossible for God to lie or act unjustly - it is impossible for him to sin. Thus God as described in the bible refutes the JW teaching that it is impossible to have free will without the possibility of sin. It also highlights the fact that the God of the bible created Adam with a design flaw. For he could have made Adam to have free will coupled with the same inability to sin that he (God) has.
If man has to have the ability to sin in order for his choice to love God to have any value, then what does it say about God's love for anyone if God lacks the ability to sin?
So the arguments that JWs use to explain why free will and love necessitates the freedom to sin - those arguments are refuted by God's nature as described in the bible, a being who has free will yet is unable to sin.
was Darwin an atheist?
by Ruby456 inasking this q because my own feeling about this is that he probably believed in god but his evolutionary thesis is used to support atheism.
how come?
Island Man
Evolution does not equate to atheism. Evolution only disproves a literal interpretation of the Genesis account.
I think the word agnostic is useless because it does not really distinguish anyone as being different from anyone. Everyone is agnostic. No one knows that a God exists. Everyone is without knowledge - agnostic - of God's existence. The difference between atheists and theists is about belief - not knowledge. Theists believe a god exists. Atheists lack belief in a god. But both atheist and theists lack knowledge of God's existence - they're both agnostic, if theists are honest with themselves. So the word agnostic applies to everyone in the set of humans so it is pretty much a useless, superfluous word, being misused for political window dressing.
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
Island Man
People are still trying to prove evolution. It still hasn't been proven .
If evolution were true there would be an abundance of evidence.
Those statements are completely false. Evolution has already been proven and there is an abundance of evidence.
You obviously know very little to nothing about evolution and are just parroting what you've heard from anti-evolution, pro-creation sources. If you really did look into the subject you would know just how false your statements are and how short-sighted and ignorant your reasoning is.
I know this because I was once just like you saying very similar and it was due to my ignorance and my assumption that what pro-creation sources - specifically Watchtower - were saying, is true. Boy was I wrong! If you don't research evolution from credited scientific sources and you just accept what anti-evolution, creationist sources say, you're doomed to remaining in complete ignorance and repeating blatant falsehoods, fallacies and miss-characterizations.
There are some real beauties posted here!
by stillin inthis one is worth repeating.
it was buried in a thread and u've been thinking about it all day.. a quote from mark twain, one of my all-time heroes.. "it's easier to fool a man than it is to convince him that he has been fooled.".
isn't that the truth....
Island Man
"The wise proclaim their ignorance. The credulous proclaim unproven beliefs as truth; and the stupid reject facts that unsettle their mind" - Island Man.
"Truth is confident and brave; it does not censor; it does fear dissent; it is open to scrutiny; it stands strong in the face of every challenge; Truth is undeniable, unchangeable reality." - Island Man
"Untruth is insecure and cowardly; it censors; it fears dissent; it does not tolerant scrutiny; it falls in the face of challenging facts. Untruth is disprovable, transient unreality." - Island Man
How the Bible disproves the JWs' 1914 invisible presence doctrine.
by Island Man inwatchtower teaches jws that christ's presence began invisibly in 1914. they also teach that the start of christ's presence coincides with the start of the last days.
whether you believe in the bible or not, watchtower claims these teachings come from the bible.
so does the bible actually agree with them?
Island Man
Here's another point that I forgot to mention:
JWs teach that they alone are true christians and they teach that we are now living in the last days. So from whom did the ridiculers, living in the last days (our time according to JWs), learn about the promised presence?
They could not have learned it from JWs because JWs teach an invisible presence that started the same time as the last days started. So if they learned it from JWs they would know the claim that the presence already started invisibly and they're already living during it. Therefore they would not be asking where is the promised presence. Instead they would be asking where is the promised coming or where is the promised end of the system of things.
So the ridiculers' question necessarily implies that they are not challenging the JWs' invisible presence teaching. They are challenging the very visible, destructive presence that christendom teaches! And Peter does not mention that the ridiculers have a wrong understanding of how the presence begins. He does not say: "These foolish ridiculers know not that they are already living during the presence, for the presence will begin invisibly in the heavens...". No. Peter is also just as oblivious to the JWs teaching of an invisibly presence. Also we see Peter using presence interchangeably with Jehovah's (the Lord's) day of destruction.
So the ridiculers' question and Peter's response, reveal that JWs are teaching the wrong kind of presence while christendom is teaching the right kind.
How the Bible disproves the JWs' 1914 invisible presence doctrine.
by Island Man inwatchtower teaches jws that christ's presence began invisibly in 1914. they also teach that the start of christ's presence coincides with the start of the last days.
whether you believe in the bible or not, watchtower claims these teachings come from the bible.
so does the bible actually agree with them?
Island Man
Fisherman: You only posted your conslusions which does not disprove Jw's.
Fisherman, Please point out any flaws you see in my conclusions. Or please point out how the JWs' 1914 invisible presence teaching can still hold up in light of what texts like 2 Peter 3:9 and James 5:7 are implying. I strive to let the text mean what they say, instead of reading foreign ideas into them. If my conclusions are incompatible with any of the texts I cited I want to know.
Let me issue more specific challenges:
Please explain how the encouragement at James 5:7 to exercise patience until the presence of christ is not an empty encouragment if anointed christians are still on earth exercising patience a whole century after the presence began.
Please explain why Peter at 2 Peter 3:9, links the delay in bringing the presence with God giving people an opportunity to repent and avoid destruction, if the start of teh presence does not end the opportunity to repent and does not result in destruction.
And please show where in the NT the bible talks about christ's presence starting with an extended period of invisible rule from heaven.
How the Bible disproves the JWs' 1914 invisible presence doctrine.
by Island Man inwatchtower teaches jws that christ's presence began invisibly in 1914. they also teach that the start of christ's presence coincides with the start of the last days.
whether you believe in the bible or not, watchtower claims these teachings come from the bible.
so does the bible actually agree with them?
Island Man
Good points, thing is as you know JW teach of two comings, presence in 1914 then a coming to judge at Armageddon.
Yes, they think they're different. But we can use 2 Peter 3 to show them that according to the bible presence and coming are the same, or to put it more accurately, Jesus presence begins with his coming to judge at the GT/Armageddon. That is the obvious implication of 2 Peter 3:9.